Kwerkii's Etsy Store

Monday, June 7, 2010


I "won" my first alchemy bid this weekend. I'm so excited! They buyer liked my ideas enough to order two products rather than the one that was advertised. I am working for a bit less than I would normally charge but a) I liked the challenge and b) it would be my first transaction as a seller. I want to prove my ability to make quality products and here is my chance. It has even given me ideas for future product designs. Huzzah! *dances*

Now to go to the bead store

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bad Week

Sorry for the lack of structure but I am having a frustrating week. On Monday I'll try to post some pictures of the fun stuff I've been working on recently. Crafting helps me to relax sometimes

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Street Festival

I just signed up for my first vendor opportunity today. I am going to be a part of the Bloor St. Festival on July 24th this year and I'm already a bit worried. I've never sold my wares as a vendor before and I want to make sure that I maximize my short time in the spotlight. I think my goal is to have at least 100 pairs of earrings ready for the festival (I have to make about 2 per day). I am feeling very paranoid and a bit doubtful of my abilities but I know that if I jump right in I will do my best and learn from it. I'm a bit of a worry wart and the only way I can beat my negativity is to force myself to be brave and try. I will always do my best once I'm committed :p . Wish me luck! I've got a tonne of pop-tab earrings to wrap, reptile earrings to make, and other creations that haven't made it onto the internet just yet. Don't be surprised if a month from now I go crazy trying to make more merchandise at the last minute. Oh shoot I need to get my business cards printed as well. Maybe I'll make a to-do list...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ack! Missed Monday's Post

Soooo why didn't I post anything yesterday? I could have posted something but instead I was making an "ice cream" cake using melted chocolate bars. The original recipe is from Paula Deen on the Food Network but I decided to put my own spin on things.

Basically, you melt a chocolate bar, whip some cream, fold them together then freeze! I used Mars Bars instead of Snickers and I didn't use any peanut butter. I also drizzled caramel and chocolate syrup all over it just before eating. The flavour is similar to ice cream but not as heavy. I dare not do a nutritional analysis of the recipe but if anybody wants me to I'll post it.

Go enjoy the weather and eat some ice cream! Or....take the time and make this cake/pie/whatever and eat it too :D

Friday, May 28, 2010

Systems I Own: NES, SNES, GB, GBA, N64, DS, WII

Mwa ha haa! I've allowed my geeky side to take over and I spent most of my day playing video games. I still have my original Nintendo system and I love it to pieces. I totally plan on making Goomba and Megaman earrings! I'm supposed to be making wares for craft sales and Etsy but I think I'm going to work on these for me first :p . I need to go and buy more beads. *happily dances*

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today was Technically Yesterday (May 26th)

The weather today was horrendous! The temperature went up to 31 degrees C but felt like 38 with the humidity. How is a person supposed to create in such conditions? She drinks a cocktail that's how! While I am the queen of mixed alcoholic beverages I tend to avoid alcohol when it's really hot out. Today I worked on my bead work alongside a delicious Pomagranate Martini. I actually created this recipe myself. I developed it when I was trying to make a small bottle of pomegranate juice go that extra mile.

Pomegranate Martini (Non-Alcoholic):
2 oz Pomegranate Juice
1/2 oz Orange Juice
2 1/2 oz Cranberry Juice

If possible, shake on ice and strain into a martini glass for the full effect.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lovin' My City and My Beadwork

Yesterday I went browsing along trendy Queen St. West in Toronto. There are a tonne of independent stores along that street and I have always loved randomly picking stores and food venues to visit. (Amazing place to visit if you come to the city)

During my walk I ran into a number of beading supplies stores. I had never been in a store that specialized in beading supplies before and I love love loved it. The wide range of beads, threads, and findings...oh my goodness there were a lot of good quality findings, left me feeling giddy. I am going to have so much fun with the goodies I picked up.

Everyone who visits Toronto has to visit the St. Lawrence Market, the Harbourfront Centre, and Queen St. West! (and all of the stereotypical touristy places too like the CN Tower)

Here's a peek of what I'm working on right now. I'm using some Japanese beads and the black silk thread that I found on good ol' Queen St. W

Monday, May 24, 2010

Quirky Owl?

I was trying to take promotional picture of my earrings today but I accidentally got an abstract owl photo instead. I'm wondering if I should name it...

Here We Go

For the past few years I have repeatedly thought about trying to sell various crafts online and I have finally created an Etsy account to do just that. Unfortunately, I'm not an artist. I'm a nutritionist. I just earned my diploma in Food and Nutrition and I actually plan on getting my degree as well. Why the hell am I trying to sell crafts?

Because it's fun!

I've been doing a terrible job so far but I'm learning. Maybe I'll actually have a decent store one day. If not, my journey will be amusing at least. This blog will be a record of my rise to glory or my fall from grace as I try become successful.

I am a bit of a random individual so do not be surprised if I end up posting whatever odd topics are on my mind at the moment rather than a play-by-play of my business oriented endeavours. Hopefully you'll find them entertaining as well.

I intend to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before midnight (-5 GMT). There may be other posts but that will be my minimum